Discover Our Range of Solar Solutions and Accessories

Welcome to Amson UPS! We offer a wide range of solar solutions including on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid solar panels, batteries, inverters, and accessories. Empower your energy independence with our reliable and efficient products.

30+Expert Members

Solar Panels

On Grid 

Our on-grid solar products are designed to seamlessly integrate with the existing power grid, allowing you to generate clean and renewable energy while reducing your electricity bills. Experience the benefits of grid-tied solar systems with our high-quality and efficient on-grid solar panels, inverters, and accessories.

Off Grid 

Amson UPS Solar Off-Grid Solution. Harness the power of the sun and enjoy energy independence with our state-of-the-art technology. Experience reliable and uninterrupted electricity even in remote areas, without relying on the grid. Say goodbye to power outages and embrace a sustainable future with Amson UPS Solar Off-Grid.


Experience the best of both worlds with our solar hybrid inverters. These advanced devices seamlessly integrate solar power with grid electricity, providing uninterrupted power supply. Maximize energy utilization and reduce dependence on the grid with our efficient and reliable solar hybrid inverters.



Amson UPS offers high-performance solar batteries designed to store excess energy generated by solar panels. Our batteries provide reliable backup power, ensuring uninterrupted energy supply and maximizing self-consumption for a sustainable and cost-effective solar energy solution.



At Amson UPS, our inverters are designed to deliver seamless and efficient conversion of DC power from solar panels into AC power for your electrical needs. With cutting-edge technology and reliable performance, our inverters ensure optimal energy utilization and smooth operation of your solar power system.

Solar Charge Controllers

MPPT Charge Controllers

Amson UPS proudly presents our advanced MPPT solar charge controllers. Engineered to optimize solar power utilization, our MPPT controllers efficiently convert and regulate the energy harvested from solar panels, ensuring maximum charging efficiency for your batteries. Trust in our reliable and innovative technology for seamless energy management.

PWM Charge Controllers

Amson UPS proudly presents our advanced MPPT solar charge controllers. Engineered to optimize solar power utilization, our MPPT controllers efficiently convert and regulate the energy harvested from solar panels, ensuring maximum charging efficiency for your batteries. Trust in our reliable and innovative technology for seamless energy management.



At Amson UPS, we provide a comprehensive range of solar accessories to enhance and optimize your solar energy system. From mounting brackets and cables to monitoring systems and surge protectors, our accessories are designed to maximize the efficiency and longevity of your solar panel installation.